Attack of 9/11 |
Al Qaeda and 9/11: - For USA and the entire western front 9/11 was a lesson that terrorism in not a internal disorder. also they learned that to give someone more importance than desirable can be proved dangerous. USA gave that importance to Pakistan and terror groups in Afghanistan and they proved dangerous for USA.
but they started to classify terrorism, the divided terrorism and select one part that affects them directly. they never tried to stop that terrorism that proved more dangerous for them but indirectly. terrorism started to spread more over the entire Asia and third world but they never worried about it.
Terrorism in Present Decade: - In the present decade terrorism has reached in the hearts of the western world. terrorism is getting new masks daily. the attacks in London, Paris, in USA prove that terrorism has no definite definition to define and no state to classify as state and non-state actors.
in this decade and somehow in this century, terror is improving its evils. they are getting new forms and masks, i.e. Cyber Attack, Crush Mob by Vehicles, etc. I think plane high jack is now obsolete for terrorist.
In this era of digital advancement terrorism is also updating itself. as the technology is growing the danger of terrorism is also increasing.
Ransomware attack |
So in this way terrorism is not only global it is becoming universal now.
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Terrorist Attacks in Last 20 Years |
Pakistan: Dilemma For USA and China: - Worlds largest Terror Export Country is proving a dilemma for both the powers of their continents. USA has given billion of dollars to Pakistan for help USA against the terror groups. but Pakistan made safe heavens for terrorists. Alongside USA China also invested in CPEC and now this is looking just like an endless dream. Now USA is making strong statements for Pakistan and done nothing as the name of 'teaching a lesson of infidelity with the Superpower.'
And if we talk about China then what we can about this! Investment of Billions in CPEC and result 'nothing.' Now this is very insulting situation for China that he is supporting the policy of such country. China has Vito to defend a notorious terrorist. I don't think that this kind of situation has ever faced by a power (in fact a superpower of Asia).
Conclusion:- Terrorism is updating itself so we must keep an eagle eye on such persons, countries, groups and incidents that can be prove dangerous for human race. Until we make dialogue between UNSC and victim countries, i think it is almost impossible to eradicate Terrorism. To eradicate terrorism we must Unite for Human Existence.
Images: - Google Images
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