India’s Permanent Membership in UNSC

First of all we must keep in mind that there is bitter struggle for permanent membership in UNSC. Demands for reforms in UN is not a new concept, it is as old as UN. At the time of establishment of UN there were only 51 members. Now the scenario has changed, there are 193 members in UN. So the members are demanding for reforms, in fact demanding proper partnership and rights (power). It is also right that reforms have occurred, but not in proper way (according to new members). Currently one another change happened in UNSC, that the permanent members also want to make reforms in UNSC.

In 72nd annual summit of UN, demands for reforms have increased, including USA almost all the countries want to make reform in UNSC.

Rule for reforms: - For any reform in the formation (structure) of UN/UNSC, bill for reforms must be supported by at least by 129 members including P-5s. That is where the reforms are becoming a point for struggle.

Where India is in the competition: - Here we will discuss some reasons that make India’s perspective stronger-
Ø  India represents world’s second largest population.
Ø  India is a nuclear power, the base on that the permanent membership was given to current P-5s.
Ø  India is one of the biggest economies; government is doing more for startups.
Ø  India has successfully participated in peace missions under the flag of UN. Cango, Namibia, Cambodia, Somalia, etc. are the examples of India’s image of a peace lover country.
Ø  India always helps UN by fund.
Ø  India always opposed every kind of injustice and discrimination.
Ø  The balance of power also supports India; there is only one country from Asia. PRC is not a pure example of democracy that is the main aim of UN.
Ø  India would be best country to lead developing countries.
Keeping in mind these points we can say that it is easy to get permanent membership but it is not the truth.
 Hurdles also in the way of India: -
F  P-5s:- Although USA and UK have supported the reforms in UN/UNSC. But about others we can’t be sure. Russia, France and PRC are worried because of their competitive states and their image of super power in world society. USA, UK and France have supported India as a permanent member. Russia is a point to be concern because of its relations with Pakistan (leader of Coffee Club). China’s perspective depends on our relations with PRC; so it seems very difficult to get support of PRC.
F  Coffee Club (June 2005): - Leaded by Pakistan. This is a group of political rivals of G-4s. It proved a lemon in milk (for G-4s). This group supports the current scenario of UNSC.
F  G-4s (1997):- Though it is a group of countries making efforts for permanent members in UNSC. There is consent that all will support each other on the matter of permanent membership. But there will be a bitter competition in the group. Japan is an excellent partner in case of funding. Germany is also an emerging power; Germany is doing very good in the field of pollution free power generation (keep in mind CoP-Paris). Brazil can also consider as a representative of a continent; its relations with USA are also a factor to influence.
